1, 2, 3…Classroom Reveal!


Drum Roll Please…. My classroom!! OK, OK, I know, it’s a classroom. I had much bigger plans this year, I have a really cute theme idea. But unfortunately I had some personal things happen towards the end of summer and I was unable to spend the time I wanted in the classroom. So the theme I had will stay in my back pocket until next year! Am I sad I didn’t get to create the dream room I envisioned? Yes, but am I disappointed in the classroom I was able to create?  NO. I think my room came out very cute this year, and I think my students will truly enjoy it and find community within it’s walls.  Here are some pictures of my classroom.


I teach at a Catholic School, so this is my religion wall, it is a place for students to learn the Church seasons, and where we display our religion work and art.


This is our class prayer corner.  The books change through the seasons, and more things are brought in as the students begin to learn about our faith.


This is our classroom library.  As you can see it is not finished.  The white shelves will have leveled books on them, and I have tons of Big Books that will fill up my new Big Book center.  On the A-line shelf I like to change the books monthly.  I am also bringing in little chairs, that I took home this summer to fix from last year.


Aren’t  they just the cutest!  I love these chairs!


Word Wall and Birthday Wall.  I am in the process of redoing the Birthday wall.  I’m not thrilled, and think I want to redo this wall.


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Writing Wall.  And yes, I have that many First graders.


This is our Math Wall.  We count how many days we have been in school and learn about place value at the same time.  My students love this wall because they are fully in charge of putting all the parts together and leading the class up at this board.


These are views of my room from across the room.  One thing I think I would like to change is, the carpet.  Right now I have it up front, but what I am thinking I want to do is move it to the center of the room and not necessarily have a direct front of the room.  Something I’m playing with in my head.  My school is a very traditional school, but I would love to show more of me in the classroom layout.

(Update)… I changed the classroom layout!!  I placed the carpet in the center and put groups of 4 around it.  I didn’t want my room to have a central front, I want it to have a free flow to it.  Here are the new pictures!



This is my Hallway wall right outside my classroom.  This is my Insta Art wall, (little hint as to what my theme was going to be).  I love this wall, it will be where the students art is displayed.  I am making punched out hearts which will be given to teachers every month, so that they can bring their student by our class and give hearts to the students.  It will be planned so that all students get hearts!

Thank you for catching the wave and riding with me on this classroom reveal-“board”.   Catch you on the next wave???


image   Erin