What to do? What to do?
We all have them, We all love them, right? Or is it our students who love them?
So lets be honest, raise your hand if you love rainy days? Come on…anyone? I know, as teachers these kinds of days can be our worst nightmares. Am I right? We either get no break, or a very little one, students bouncing off the walls, noise level off the chart! But STOP, think back, think back to when you were a student. When you were a child. Now I’m going to ask the same question again…raise your hand if when you were a child, you loved rainy days? WOW…look at all those hands going up! I see you in the back trying to hide, come on, you know you want to raise your hand. Think back, inside our classroom when we did not have to do work? What kinds of things did our teachers have us do? There was no video to be played, at least in my day. When I was in school it was pre video era, and no tv’s in the classroom yet. No computers, (personal computers had not been invented yet), so no Gonoodle.
So I started to think today. Why do rainy days get me so crazy? And, if I’m crazy than how are my students feeling? I started to think back to what my teachers had us do on a rainy day. Rainy Days were my favorites when I was little!! I thought it was so cool to stay inside, and the sky was dark, and it felt like night, which gave school a different feel.
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We would eat our lunch, but than our teacher always had games planned for us. I don’t mean board games. There were always Connect Four, Tic Tac Toe the toss version, oh and that marble stick game! I don’t remember what it was called but it was so fun! I don’t remember our classroom every getting super loud or crazy. We also played two games with the handball. One where you sat on the ground in a big circle with your legs out, and connecting with your neighbor by you feet touching. You had to roll the ball, it could not bounce and you could not send it back to the person who sent it to you. The second ball game was my all time favorite because you got to sit on top of your desk. It was a silent game, and you tossed the ball to each other with out speaking. If the ball touched the ground you were out.
As I think back to my own childhood and the fun that my teachers created for me, and than flash forward to today with my own students, I think, Oh, My, Goodness! I have got to step up my rainy day games! I can see that in my own childhood my teacher made sure that we were still interacting with each other and appropriately for our age. Though students of today, with all our technology, just are given an iPad, or a movie is put on. This, I don’t feel is good for their brains, and than to have to shut that down, and go back to work after lunch or recess. So, I have decided that I am going to try my next rainy day, as a rainy day of long ago. I will tell my students (I’m teaching second grade this year), that we will be traveling back in time to the 1970’s specifically 1975. We will teleport back, but once we are there all technology as we know it will be gone. I will have them experience how an indoor recess was for me. This is going to be fun. I will gather things to make an indoor hopscootch, tic tac toe toss, human tic tac toe, handball, Connect Four, and if I can find that marble stick game, I’m getting it, and I will share it’s name with you all.
I’m excited for our next rainy day. How about you? What do you do on rainy days? Leave a comment below and share an idea so we can all help each other with new ideas!